3 diagrams found for the vehicle you selected.Select your vehicle options to narrow down results.
- 1.VG33E
- 2.VQ35DE - (01/2000-07/2001)
- 3.VQ35DE - (from 07/2001)
Lookup Code
Part No. & Part Description
Price & Qty.
Part No. &
Part Description
24410-06H62Battery- Fitting Vehicle Options: VG33E
24410-08S62Battery- Fitting Vehicle Options: *VG33E
24410-38S62Battery- Fitting Vehicle Options: VQ35DE
Standard Parts
Genuine Infiniti Parts, the Right Choice
InfinitiPartsDeal.com offers the wholesale prices for genuine 2001
Infiniti QX4 parts. Parts like Battery & Battery Mounting are shipped directly from authorized Infiniti dealers and backed by the manufacturer's warranty. Parts fit for the following vehicle options. Engine: 6 Cyl 3.3L, 6 Cyl 3.5L. Grade/Trim: LE.