To ensure reliability, purchase Infiniti part # E6110-5CA3A Shock Absorber Kit-Front. It is sometimes referred to as Infiniti Shock Absorber. You have nothing to worry about if you choose OEM parts as they are the optimal you can get in terms of quality and longevity. This is because they are precisely-engineered with the meticulous specifications of the official factory. They have passed strict quality control tests during manufacturing, so you know they're durable and sure to fit. This part fits 2020-2022 Infiniti Q60. is a leading supplier of genuine Infiniti parts and accessories such as Infiniti E61105CA3A Shock Absorber Kit-Front. We provide an extensive catalog of genuine Infiniti parts, all offered at the market's exceptional prices. With manufacturer-backed warranties for all OEM Infiniti parts, your purchases are secure. Additionally, our worry-free return policy ensures a risk-free shopping experience.